Feature article on the university website discussing Dr. Shehab’s research related to app security.
Moo Nam Ko Graduates and becomes Dr. Ko
Moo Nam Ko is my first PhD. student to graduate and is now Dr. Ko. He accepted a senior software developer position at Prodigy Meters in Charlotte. Congratulations 🙂
Dr. Shehab and Said Marouf featured Q4 2011, UNC Charlotte Magazine
Dr. Shehab and Said Marouf featured Q4 2011, UNC Charlotte Magazine. The article is titled “There’s an App for That”. Read the full article at [link]
FB-Secure on Tekzilla Daily
Our FB-Secure Chrome and Firebase plugin has been featured by Tekzilla Daily.
Innovation Summit: Mobile Technologies to Improve Health
Presenting at the Wake Forest University Transitional Science Institute Innovation Summit on Mobile Technologies to Improve Health. Presentation title “Security in Social and Mobile Personal Health Records Apps”, March 2nd 2011.